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CSR Latest Articles

How To Effectively Manage A Remote Team
It won’t be long before many of us will be super experts at managing a remote team. I have had the pleasure and flexibility of working...

Planning during times of uncertainty
Daily life has certainly been turned upside down in the last two weeks. Parents have learned to homeschool their children as teachers...

“Sacrifices” at Work
Many of you reading this right now are well into this annual season of Lent or know someone who is observing Lent. Lent is the...

What We’re Learning from COVID-19
The CSR universe is definitely feeling the effects of the Coronavirus or COVID-19 as we help our clients navigate responses and are...

Capture Your Audience With Attention Getting Devices
You’ve heard it before: First impressions are very important. Your first impression can be the defining moment in any interaction or...

FINALLY! A chance to catch up.
It’s a leap year, right? Another day available to throw at that black hole of “stuff” that keeps gnawing away at you, right? Sorry; an...

The Case for Employee Engagement
Employee engagement. It’s a big business buzz word. From small businesses to major corporations, CEOs, business leaders, and HR Managers...

It’s Not Too Late For Resolutions
New Year’s resolutions are as popular as the statistics around how quickly people abandon them. A recent study found that the day people...

The Perfect Presentation: Part 2
Last week we covered how to craft the perfect presentation, this week we’re taking you from the notes on your desk to standing in the...

The Perfect Presentation: Part 1
The number one fear in the U.S. is Public Speaking. Everyone is familiar with that feeling before a big (or even small) speech: the...

3 Things You Should Do – Now.
At CSR, we will meet our clients where they are; sometimes that means that we will wait for the back-to-school time to appeal to their...

How the right podcast can equal new business
Whether you listen to podcasts or not, appearing as a guest on one can be a huge boost to your business. Commercial real estate attorneys...

Customer Touch Points
Designing and improving processes in ways that “delight customers” is a major foundation to Six Sigma. It is such an important principle...

Client Gift Guide
Holiday gift giving for clients and customers can be a less-than-sparkly experience. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be that way. We’ve...

An Attitude of Gratitude
Frequently discussed this time of the year, at CSR, we are acutely aware and grateful for our clients and for everything that enables us...

Being In The Arena
Brené Brown. Perhaps you’ve heard of her? She is the Ted Talk dominating, shame researching, five best-seller authoring powerhouse that...

Plan for tomorrow’s crisis…today
As a business leader, you probably learned quickly that you should always expect the unexpected. Or, to put it another way, if it’s not...

Competing Against Tech
Smart phones, apps, internet of things, big data, blockchain and robotics are all topics that fill our everyday lives, even though only a...

CSR Loves Its Legal Clients
Regardless of whether our law firm clients tend to be Catholic or not, I have learned that the legal profession is steeped in tradition. ...

Why You Need Employee Retention Plans
It’s that time magical time of the year again! Time to pull out that worn legal pad and make a list of business priorities for the next...
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