The mission is simple...
Define where you want to go and figure out how to get there.
The CSR Strategic Planning Service (SPS) Process:
We begin by getting to know your organization in depth.
You and your chosen stakeholders receive a tailored and detailed questionnaire that covers all areas of your organization and you personally.
The CSR team meets to review your responses and begins working on your plan, saving you valuable time on the day of the planning session.
We meet with you in person.
On the day of the session we go in-depth to refine or define your Mission, Vision, and Values (MVV), determine where you want to go and what is preventing you from getting there, and begin defining strategic objectives for each functional area to create a roadmap for how to get where you want to go.
We provide you with a roadmap.
After the session, our team will work together to produce a summary of our session and a map of how to reach your goals.We will review it with you in a live meeting so we can answer your questions. The plan document will include detailed project plans for some of your strategic objectives and a Pro-forma to get you started.
Discuss how a truly strategic approach to business can accelerate grow...