What We Care About: Lifecycle Building CenterYou hear us talking about Mission, Vision and Values a lot at CSR. – it is a key part of us eating our own cooking. Within our core...
Mission Statements: Your “Focus Insurance”Happy New Year! A while back, we discussed the 3 reasons why your company will fail without a mission statement. Though all true and...
Our OpennessTo round out our series on CSR’s core values, we’re delighted to spend a few minutes on openness. This value may seem incredibly...
Caring: Not Just A Soft And Squishy WordContinuing with our theme of examining CSR’s core values, we come to Caring. I sometimes wonder if there is a more appropriate/less...
The Importance Of VersatilityI have never been the best speller. All too often I rely on the red squiggly to send me the heads-up that I didn’t type something quite...
Tenacity: The Engine That Drives The ShipThe first of CSR’s Core Values is Tenacity. This isn’t an accident. Tenacity is the engine that drives the ship. No amount of Openness,...
Company Values: Do’s And Don’t’sAt CSR, we have learned over time how essential the execution of a strategic planning session is to kick off our client engagements. I...