Patrick Larkin, Nonprofit Consultant & Client Manager, with CSR since 2019
Most helpful or practical college course you took: I have returned repeatedly to what I learned in my Industrial & Organizational Psychology class for issues around Human Resources and people management.
Biggest waste of practical time college course: Mechanics of Deformable Bodies. I'm convinced this is the class that made me decide to change majors out of Engineering.
First job you ever held: When I turned 16, my mom took me to the McDonald's near the Coliseum in Hampton, VA to apply for a job. I was hired as the custodian for the weekends. Over time I worked my way up to working the grill, and then register and drive-thru. I even got to play Grimace once.
Most gratifying moment with a CSR client: We were working with a nonprofit client to reorganize the staff structure. We helped them develop a new organization chart more aligned with accomplishing their strategic objectives. We then did the recruiting for a new set of supervisors and front-line staff. It was wonderful when we were able to place the last person, completing the new team.
People often mistake you for: Before I grew out the handlebar mustache, I'd get recognized as Ben Afleck and once as Tim Curry.
Favorite comfort food: Macaroni and cheese.
Childhood nickname: Chuckles. Also Big Larkin as I had a younger brother a year behind me in school, so he was Little Larkin. Learn more about Patrick.
