The weather is warm, the pollen is in the air, and it is time to do a little spring cleaning! But don’t limit your scrub down to the physical space of your office – spend some time doing digital spring cleaning to set yourself up for Q2 and beyond.
Digital spring cleaning can be divided into three basic areas:
Website de-cluttering
Email list hygiene
Social media tune-up
Here’s what you need to do for each:
Website de-cluttering
When you created it, your website was probably clean and orderly. Over time, you may have added links here and there, uploaded agendas, added documents, and done other updates willy nilly, turning your once pristine website into a Frankensite that is confusing for visitors and difficult to navigate.
Take some time this week to simplify and streamline your company’s website in order to maximize its ability to bring in business – and make you money!
Read more about why a cluttered website is bad for business on the Spin Sucks blog.
Email list hygiene
Bad email list hygiene will also lose you business. Why? Because if your list isn’t segmented, you aren’t sending the right messages to the right people at the right time – and the people you are emailing are more likely to tune you out and unsubscribe.
Mailchimp, a local Atlanta business and one of our favorite tools to send email campaigns, has a great article about getting started segmenting your list. This will allow you to send targeted messages to select audiences, resulting in more sales and more revenue.
Social media tune-up
You know your business needs to be on social media, so some time ago you dutifully created accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. You had an intern posting for you for a while, but she left you last semester and since then you only post when you think about it (which honestly isn’t that often, because you’re busy working on your business, not hanging out on Facebook).
If this sounds like you, then it’s time for a social media tune-up.
First, identify who is going to post for you every week day on your social channels. This could be you, or it could be someone you hire, or it could be an outside consultant like CSR. Second, develop an editorial calendar so you aren’t scrambling to create content at the last minute (a huge time suck!). Third, commit to only posting high quality content, something your audience will find value in, and that looks good!
Read how to take better photos with your phone here.