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CSR Latest Articles

Operation: Zero Inbox
Email…you’re probably not a fan. I for one would probably put off answering emails indefinitely if my job didn’t depend on it. But...

Event Review: Atlanta, A Global Business City
In my ongoing efforts to be more than an office hermit, I attended an ALPFA event on the 9th that turned out to be absolutely...

How To Sell Candy Without Selling Candy
One of the most important things I’ve ever learned about sales is that you rarely sell your actual product. Tool manufacturers don’t sell...

In 2017, Become A Morning Person
This year, forget losing weight or drinking veggie smoothies. Become an early bird! Or rather, start your days off earlier, if you’ve...

Entry Level Book Recommendations: Part 2
Earlier this year, I wrote about books that entry-level employees should read in order to get up to speed on business basics: This is not...

In Defense Of Third Person Plural
We’ve all seen it in the very best and worst of business writing: third person singular pronouns. I appreciate the effort to be inclusive...

Voice Dream (App Review)
If you’re like me (or anyone at CSR, really), you spend a lot of time in the car. I definitely love listening to music, but I do feel the...

Patron Saints Of The Workplace, Round 2
Almost two years ago, I wrote a (somewhat facetious) post about patron saints for the office. Since then, I’ve come across some other...

Entry Level Book Recommendations: Part 1
This is not a blog post for the MBAs and “higher-ups.” This is for the entry level folks out there who may not know much about business...

Essential Learnings From Menial Work
In this post, I’m going to suggest what no teacher, counselor, or mentor has ever advised me to do: get a menial job. Or at least...

Intentional Ignorance: It’s Not Cute Anymore
We all know someone who has this, and we’ve probably all suffered from the condition at some point: intentional ignorance. The engineers...

What Crocheting Lace Taught Me About the Business World
I’ve always been what you could call a “crafty” person. Way before Pinterest, at the age of six, my grandmother taught me how to crochet...

Event Review: 10 Keys To Unleash Creativity
María & Rosi recently attended a workshop at Atlanta Tech Village called “10 Keys to Unleash Creativity, Inspiration and Innovation.” The...

App Review: Toggl
Like most working adults, I get paid by the hour. Now, at CSR we don’t “clock in/clock out,” so it’s up to me to keep track of my hours....

6 Steps To Learn A New Program—Fast!
As CSR’s resident millennial, I am often dubbed the “tech-savvy” one who knows how to use every program and website. I’ve even had people...

Five Ways To Get A Small Business Owner To Make A Change
Change. It’s essential for small business growth…and it’s also something many owners resist. Their reasons are always very valid, but the...
Probonathon Runners Up
We will be ready to announce our Probonathon 2013 winner very soon! In the meantime, we’d like to tell you about two applicants that...

Venue Review: Alon’s French Bakery
While CSR HQ is convenient and used for our full staff meetings, we have found that for our own meetings, other venues can be helpful. We...

Fonts Reconsidered: Blacklisted Font Faces
Font choice is a key part of creating any document. Yes, good content is essential. But the way you communicate text is also an important...
Fonts Reconsidered #2: Print Documents
Last week I rambled at length about fonts appropriate for e-mails. The main requirements for e-mail are legibility and clarity, so you...
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